Saturday, February 13, 2010

Templars the founding fathers

The most holy Knights that were tricked by the Catholics to fight the Muslims in the name of God.After the war all of the Knights Templar were ordered by the Pope to be killed but some lived on. They fled to a new country and they called it the North America. and started the FreeMasons. They made the Masons to be fair to everyone unlike what happened to them.

I am a descendant of a Templar.
I don't diss like anyone that are Catholic I have more Catholic friend that not, but i don't like the Catholics who hate Templars.

I personally think earth is hell and if we over come bad and be good we will go to heaven cause if you were born a angel and had everything like spoiled kids we wouldn't become Adults and not mature so I am thankful I live in hell
God Bless You All!

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